Wow...just...Demicon 25

My sincere thanks to everyone who makes Demicon happen and allowing me to participate.

Wow...just...Demicon 25
Friends at Demicon

Insecure David (yeah, he’s in there somewhere) has a nagging concern. At what point and time do I wear out my welcome? Do I go to the same cons repeatedly, or do I visit them every other year so they don’t suffer David burnout? The only real measure I have for this is book sales. (Well, and spitting. When people spit on me, that’s a bad sign.) Cons really aren’t about book sales; I consider selling books a bonus to the rest of the adventure. After the last Demicon, I would never have expected to sell more. But then, wow…just…Demicon 25

Jayne Danger

Cristi and I arrived Friday with plenty of time to get checked in and set up the booth without a last minute rush. Fridays are typically slow, which allowed time to meet our neighbors. This was good because the dealer room is about the size of my first apartment and we were going to be spending 3 very close days with them. I’ve mentioned before that cons are really about making friends. Our neighbor Ashley Schonberg was pretty fantastic. Check out her cool blog and then buy her cool stuff.

Jayne Danger


Friday night Cristi and I got to meet up with some old friends from High School. (And yes, the three of us are old; Cristi is not.) It was great of them to come out and visit. We had just enough time to get caught up, take some pics, and do a little baby holding. I also learned about their involvement in Bikers Against Child Abuse. From the mission statement: “We do not condone the use of violence or physical force in –any manner, however, if circumstances arise such that we are the only obstacle preventing a child from further abuse, we stand ready to be that obstacle.” Personally, I think that’s awesome! Please visit their site to find more: or if you’re in Iowa here is a link to the local chapter:

Cristi holding a baby

Super Panels

This was the 1st time I had the pleasure of sitting on panels at Demicon, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Friday night I hosted a panel comparing the Marvel and DC approaches to motion pictures and television. Saturday I hosted a panel to discuss Star Wars movie news and speculate on Disney’s influence. I also sat on a panel Saturday night with author Dennis Green on Finding Time to Write. Be sure to visit Dennis’ site to learn more about his writing.  All of the panels were well attended and inspired some lively discussions. I received several compliments, and I didn’t even hear anyone snore! (I also got to wear my Superman cape for my superhero panel. Win!)

Superman cape on!

Room Parites

Room parties at Demicon are superb. We were up late into the night, enjoying both costumes and the good company. Fortunately nobody recorded me singing “Happy” in the karaoke room, but I have to share this video of our friend Joe singing “Stars” from Les Misérables. Before picking up the mic, he mentioned never having sung this song before, but that it was one of his favorites. While I assume everyone is a better singer than me, I never expected his Broadway voice. I promise, it’s worth a few minutes to listen.

Wow…just…Demicon 25

My sincere thanks to everyone who makes Demicon happen and allowing me to participate. I really appreciate the great spot in the dealer room too! I also need to thanks Amanda Alexander for coordinating the panels and including me in the fun! Finally, to all of our friends, you’re awesome – we can’t wait to see you next year!

A Special Thank You

I also have to thank my partner in crime. Those who spent time with Cristi at Demicon know she is much more than a pretty face. (Though she is definitely that, too!) I couldn’t ask for better support. She rocks the costume, is always great help, has fantastic suggestions, and is so much fun. I really couldn’t do cons without her, nor would I want to. Thanks Shiny!