Time Is A Companion
“Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives, but I rather believe that time is a companion" -Jean Luc Picard, Star Trek: Generations
One of my favorite quotes from Star Trek: Generations (yes, there is actually a good line or two) comes from Jean Luc Picard. “Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives, but I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment because they’ll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we’ve lived.”
Precious Moments
Yesterday I was 20 and dreamed about writing books. Today I’m 42 and in that blink my son turned 18 and is going to college. My peanut, also known as my daughter, is going to High School next year. I’m not sure how that happened, but I have so many great memories of these years.
Time Is A Predator
How can time speed by so fast when I squeeze every ounce out of it? I spend time with family, work hard at my day job and write when I can. I like being busy, but I feel like time is a predator chasing me from task to task. There never seems to be enough.
Time Is A Thief
My goals are stacking up like food on my all-you-can-eat-buffet plate. I used a very optimistic calculator to estimate how long it would take to write more books. I’m not sure where there time went. I should be writing book three and it feels like time has been stolen from me. So, it weighs on me that the second Angst book isn’t done yet.
Good Timing
Becky, one of my best friends from college sent me an email after reading a batch of rough draft chapters. “I have to tell you that I have NO changes at this point, and have been completely caught up in the story.” Not only is Becky an amazing person, and incredibly supportive, she wouldn’t hold back telling me if I broke something. So, taking my time to do it right might be a good thing. At least it’s comforting to know that Buried in Angst is on track.
Only Time Will Tell
I really think time is a companion that takes many forms. A watcher who sees all and a thief who steals. Sometimes a giver of precious moments, and then a predator when you least expect it. I’d like to think that one day, when I look back on everything, I’ll consider it time well spent.