Introducing Cristi - new spokesmodel for Angst!
I am excited to announce that Cristi will be my new spokesmodel at Science Fiction and Fantasy Conventions this year.

I am excited to announce that Cristi will be a spokesmodel for my fantasy novel Angst at Science Fiction and Fantasy Conventions this year. Cristi is a great friend, as well as one of the advisers on my alpha team of readers. Not only does she offer a lot of great ideas for my book, she will bring a lot of fun to conventions!

New Costume
After attending ConX in the fall, Cristi actually admitted to having fun with the rest of us geeks. With this in mind, I put my cosplay costuming skills to the test, this time with scalemail. Cristi and her boyfriend Brandon came over last weekend for a photo shoot – and needless to say she totally rocked the costume!

New Poster
The first show we are attending this winter is over Valentine’s Day weekend (Sorry Brandon…and Angie!) Cristi and I will be bringing a little extra adventure to Visioncon in Springfield, MO. This show looks like an awesome time, and the guest of honor will be Aaron Douglas from Battlestar Galactica. (Frackin’ skin job! Heh.) So be sure to stop by and see us for some pictures, and some Angst!

Thanks, Cristi!
Thanks to Cristi for all of her efforts promoting Angst, and we look forward to seeing you at cons in 2013!