All Angst books now on Kindle Unlimited
All of my books are now available for free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers.

Marketing is not my long lost gift. I have the artistic sense of rice cakes, and am color blind enough that I wear the Garanimals my friends and family buy for me. A few things have worked in my marketing, a few things haven’t, and I’ve tried a lot. Sometimes I feel that finding readers who enjoy my books a little bit like winning the lottery. I’m very, very grateful to anyone who reads my books, and I feel there are more out there that just don’t know about my Angst fantasy series or Clod Makes A Friend. So, it’s time for another dart at the dartboard. Never give up, never surrender!

Kindle Unlimited
All of my books are now available for free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers, and Amazon Prime members who take advantage of the Kindle Owner Lending Library (KOLL). If you aren’t familiar, Kindle Unlimited (KU) is basically the Netflix of ebooks. There is a monthly subscription, and members can read as many books as they want that are a part of KU. KOLL is similar, Prime members can borrow one book from Kindle Owners’ Lending Library each calendar month.
What does this mean for my books? To be a part of KU, the Angst books and Clod Makes A Friend are now exclusively at Amazon. It was a tough decision to remove them from Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo and Google Play. Putting all of my eggs in one basket goes against every business and marketing instinct I have. As I’ve mentioned, those instincts are about as sharp as spoon, so maybe this is a good thing.

For Reasons
Why did I do this? When I posted the news to my Facebook Page, one of my readers commented, “Thank you!! This way more people can read a series I have come to love.” I’m hoping this makes the books more accessible to readers who may have been reluctant to give them a try. Also, lots of people have downloaded Angst for free. This way, at least some can download all of them for free and I get paid. It seems a win-win to me.

If this affects you, if you purchase my ebooks through another retailer, feel free to express your concerns here or message me on Facebook. I’m not trying to ditch readers who have supported me, just trying to find more!
As always, thanks for your support, it means everything!