A tough decision about cons
This will be my last year attending cons as a vendor.

2019 will be my last year of attending cons as a vendor. If you follow my blog, you know how much I love attending science fiction, fantasy and comic conventions. I get to spend time with my muses, see old friends, and make new ones. Not only do I sell more books at cons than I do online, I get to meet and talk to my readers. It’s a gift that I don’t want to give up, and there are a lot of reasons that went into this decision. As a reader, and a supporter, you deserve to know why.
If you’re new to my blog, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in July of 2017. While the tremors are annoying, there are other symptoms people don’t see. The worst is exhaustion. Imagine your worst day of manual labor, exercise, or dying from the flu. That can hit me on any given day. It’s unforgiving. While I refuse to accept it (as I tease my wife, how can I be tired when I have stuff to do?) it’s not getting better. Parkinson’s is degenerative by nature, and completely unfair.
Beyond that, cons are expensive. Granted, I put on a show and have an entourage. I could do things to make them less expensive, like going solo. That wouldn’t be as fun, and with the Parkinson’s I don’t want to do them alone anymore. I sell quite a few books at conventions, but I’d probably have to sell twice as many to make a profit, and that’s unlikely.
With that in mind, I’m looking forward to making 2019 a lot of fun! My sole reason for sticking it out one more year is so that readers who have supported me have access to the final book – Dying with Angst. So far, I’m signed up for the following conventions:
March 29th – 31st: Planet Comicon in Kansas City, MO
May 3rd – 5th: Demicon in Des Moines, IA (On waiting list for a table.)
May 10th – 12th: Visioncon in Springfield, MO
June 7th – 9th: Soonercon in Midwest City, OK
I’m not done with cons completely. I’m certain I’ll visit some to see friends. I’ll also attend as a guest when invited. Also, I’m not done writing, ever. Given the time, I have ideas for a dozen or so more books. They will always be available online, and I will be too! You are always welcome to email or message me, I’m not really that far away, and who knows where I’ll show up.
My sincere thanks to everyone who has supported me and read my books. I hope I get to see you this year!